23 April 2006

The pictures with the guns are from last Thursday. I went out with Chris, Brent, John, Jen, Nate, Nate's dad, Sarah and her boyfriend Gary. We took a half-dozen old CRT monitors to the dump to dispose of. Nate brought his 12ga. and hisLee Enfield Mk.IV .303. Brent brought his 12ga. too. John contributes a box of .303 rounds.

After taking care of the monitors, which was a lot of fun, we went to the sandpit, and shot at skeet. I would say we shot skeet, but the reality is that for the most part, we only shot at them. As Nate's dad observed, if we were out hunting, we'd be going home hungry. Maybe we'll do better next time.

Chris left the next day.


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