13 May 2006

I applied to a job in the village of Kinuso. It's about 235km from Edmonton. It's got a restaurant, and a few services, but the population is only 235. I suppose that Tomomi, Sakura and I would be a stastically significant component of the population. It is a school division job, and I would be able to make the transition to a different community after a year or so. I guess we'll see.

We're taking the Grade 5 classes out for an overnight camping trip next week. The kids seemed pretty enthusiastic. Usually, their Instructional Culture Weeks are just short trips into pre-prepared camp sites. They wander around while elders cook lunch. After lunch, they get back on the bus and come home.

Unfortunately, an elder died a few weeks ago, so everyone is still in mourning, and there aren't any elders to help out. The teachers are organising this trip. The kids will be fishing, setting up camp, and staying out overnight. With a little luck, it will be a good experience for them.


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